Archive | June, 2013

Mars Rover Challenge Browser Version

29 Jun

Mars Rover Challenge

Mars Rover Challenge Browser Version

Arcade Mode -Consists of 4 cups , 3 races in each of the cups – Ā Time Challenge,

On completion of any of the cups a Bonus mission level is unlocked.

LAN Network Mode / Mulit-Player

When playing on the Multi Player mode, 1 player acts as the server host where he presses the start server button, then other members on the network need to type the server address in the provided box, eg and press connect.

If playing over the internet against a friend, one player acts as the server and their friends have to enter his ip address in the provided text box eg

Any Problems setting up the server leave a message below, and il get back you.

Hope you enjoy Playing my game. šŸ™‚



RealBasic Programming Language Testing

25 Jun

RealBasic Test

Testing Realbasic Programming language, surprisingly really easy to use & User friendly.
I have only had a about an hour of play with it, but in that time i have programmed a data entry list , with a viewer which allows YouTube videos to be played. I have added couple of other button on there which allow other video to be played from the same page with a click of a button. Really impressed with this software.

N4z Pod Controller

25 Jun

N4z Controller I Made For Mars Rover ChallengeImage

For the past year in my spare time, as a hobby I have been tinkering with electronics mainly the Arduino Dev Board. I am very interested in the mechanics of input devices mainly.

ā€˜Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. ā€˜
ARDUINO.ORG.2012.Arduino.[WWW] (2 July 2012).

The Arduino is connected to a computer via the USB port, it has the facility which allows multiple inputs from multiple sensors which then can control surroundings by controlling lights , motors and many otherĀ  electronic objects from code sent from the Arduino IDE

I started by wiring the potentiometersĀ to a prototype board.


I then had to program this with the Ā Arduino IDE so values can be sent to a serialport on the computer, the values then could be read by a script in Unity.

I had to create a pipeline using multiple programming languages, from Arduino IDE to C# ad then to Javascript to make the controller work.

The Controller has 3 dials which have their own functions, the first dial controls the direction of the Rover in the game, the second dial controls the acceleration of the rover and the third dial controls the orientation.

It was a great little project which i really enjoyed, it wasn’t part of our curriculum but it was a good addition to my final game project, which had a astounding response from lecturers and students.

Received a 2:1 for BA Hons In Computer Games Design

21 Jun

Just got our grades today for my Ā BA Hons In Computer Games Design , I got a 2:1.

I’m happy with that. 3 years of hard work has paid off. Graduated now, job hunting time.Ā 

Looking forward to the ceremony in September.

Available now for work.


Mars Rover Challenge Showcased At University Grad Show 2013

20 Jun

Mars Rover Challenge Showcased At University Grad Show 2013 – University Of South Wales – Newport June 2013 – Game By Nasir Shiraz – – The Game has 3 modes, A Arcade mode Where you have the option of 4 various rovers to choose to race on 12 challenging tracks competing in 4 cups on various locations on Mars. A 2 player split screen mode where you race with the custom controller against a steering wheel or keyboard and finally a multiplayer mode where you search and destroy opposing players. this mode can be played over a local network or over the internet. Game Created solely by Nasir Shiraz ( )


New Game `BUBS `

11 Jun

New Game `BUBS `

Started work on a new game called Bubs an Adventure Game. Will keep you posted with the progress.